
by - July 08, 2018

Hello there. How are you? Well, I have no idea whether I still have a follower who would enjoy reading my posts on this blog. Why there is none tell me how bad my grammar was. I feel disgrace and cringe at some point to myself while reading my previous post. I cannot clarify whether it was because of the dismal or did my grammar and writing that pathetic? God, I wish as the time flies, my grammar and writing and speaking have been improving or I just want to cave myself up from this world. I feel bad for myself because I love English and it is my dream to speak and write fluently smoothly in this language so none can disparage me and make fun of it. Well, now I need to work hard and do the best as I can as I still live, that is the time I have to keep learning and practising. Isn't that how the thing works out?. 
Lets move on. How was my day today? Well, I went to a Jamuan Hari Raya at Syahmi's school and it had not been so bad. The food was delightful and the most exciting thing was I wore Cakenis Lush Satin in purple and it makes me look wonderful and luminous. KAH! Perasan sebentar. Other else was about H. It has been I'd say almost a week we haven't spoken to each other I mean in a real conversation as we keep having the rough one prolly. There is no denying that I miss him and I actually wish he'd spend his leisure time by texting me instead just open up and watch the pictures I've posted on social media. It seems that I am the only one who feels this way and he doesn't. Therefore, there is no one need to be blamed because we both know what is our relationship up to. Maybe both have furtive feelings, but choose to keep it this way so no one gets hurt. God, am I the only one who wants more than just a friend? Yet, I don't fully penetrate the feeling and it might just a tender that is fleeting. Let's wait and see how far it goes. For now, I will just have to hold on even I have to admit it aches. 

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